Scarsdale Low-Carb Diet

The Scarsdale Low-Carb Diet is an older low-carbohydrate diet developed by Dr. Herman Tarnowner. Created in the 1970s, it is intended as a short-term plan and has strict program.

Principle of the Scarsdale diet

The diet is intended for short-term, rapid weight loss. It is recommended that you follow this diet for 1-2 weeks. It is claimed that you can lose a pound a day on the Scarsdale Diet.

The Scarsdale Diet does not involve any calorie counting, but does involve a strict diet program. The program limits a person’s meals to three times a day with no snacking between meals. Generally you eat about 1000 calories a day on the Scarsdale Diet.

What are you allowed to eat on the Scarsdale diet?

  • Lean meat – poultry, fish and red meat;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Melons;
  • Coffee or tea;
  • Wholemeal grain;
  • Dry cheese.

What is forbidden on the Scarsdale diet?

  • Refined sugars – such as white sugar and cakes;
  • Refined flour – such as white bread;

Pros and Cons of the Scarsdale low-carb diet

The Scarsdale Diet is capable of rapid weight loss. As it is a short-term diet, it can help kick-start a longer-term diet program.

The Scarsdale Diet is a low-calorie diet and much of the weight loss is due to loss of bodily fluids and muscle, as well as fat. This means that it is very easy for you to regain the weight once off the diet.

The Scarsdale Diet may be difficult to maintain, even over 1-2 weeks. It has a strict plan with little variation which can make the diet dull, and it can make you feel constantly hungry.

Daily and Weekly Plans for the Scarsdale diet

The daily Scarsdale Diet plan is as follows:

Day 1

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Any amount of lean beef, chicken or fish, tomato salad and coffee or tea.

Dinner: Broiled fish, tomato and lettuce salad and grapefruit or melon.

Day 2

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Any amount of fruit salad and coffee.

Dinner: Hamburger without bread, any amount of cooked vegetables.

Day 3

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Tuna salad and grapefruit or melon.

Dinner: 2 lean pork chops, mixed green salad and coffee.

Day 4

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: 2 eggs, cottage cheese, 3 oz. squash, 1 slice of wholemeal toast and coffee.

Dinner: Grilled or broiled chicken, spinach or green pepper and coffee.

Day 5

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Any amount of dry cheese, spinach and 1 slice of wholemeal toast.

Dinner: Broiled fish, cooked vegetables or green salad and 1 slice of wholemeal toast.

Day 6

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Any amount of fruit salad and coffee.

Dinner: Broiled skinless chicken, tomato and lettuce salad, grapefruit or melon.

Day 7

Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sugar substitute and half a grapefruit.

Lunch: Cold or hot chicken, tomato and lettuce salad, grapefruit or melon, and coffee.

Dinner: Lean beef, mixed salad and coffee.

Expected Weight Loss on the Scarsdale diet

The Scarsdale Diet claims that you could lose a pound a day, but a more realistic estimate is between 2-3 pounds a week.

Scarsdale Low-Carb Diet Rating

Ease: 2/5 – Very strict, but the actual meals are reasonably simple.

Balance: 2/5 – Not a balanced diet, although it is only short-term so there is a small chance of long-term health problems.

Maintenance: 2/5 – Can leave you quite hungry, and the “no snacking�? rule can make it even more difficult.

Overall: 2/5

More Information

Refer to the Scarsdale Low-Carb Diet e-book for more information on the Scarsdale diet.