Michael Thurmond Diet

The Michael Thurmond Diet is a diet created by fitness instructor Michael Thurmond. He claims that his diet has helped over 500,000 people in America.

Principle of the Michael Thurmond diet

The Michael Thurmond Diet is based on the idea that each person responds and reacts to different foods. You only need as little as six weeks to discover how your metabolism works, and use it to your advantage. After you have discovered how your metabolism works, you will be able to eat more and exercise less.

According to the Michael Thurmond Diet, people come in certain "body types". Each body type has its own corresponding diet and exercise regime.

According to the Michael Thurmond Diet, certain foods can help you lose weight. By eating the right foods and doing the correct exercises for your body, you can lose weight and ensure it stays off. The Michael Thurmond Diet claims that the body can be taught that it will not starve, and therefore will store less energy as fat.

Also, the correct exercises can help you sculpt your body to your needs.

What are you allowed to eat on the Michael Thurmond diet?

  • Fresh food;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruit;
  • Wholemeal grains – such as rice.
  • Lean meat – such as lean poultry and seafood.

What is forbidden on the Michael Thurmond diet?

The Michael Thurmond Diet forbids the following:

  • Nuts;
  • Saturated fats;
  • Processed foods – such as fried food;
  • Salt;
  • Pasta;
  • Bread;
  • Alcohol;
  • Dairy products.

Pros and Cons of the Michael Thurmond diet

The Michael Thurmond Diet promotes eating fresh produce and physical exercise (45-60 minutes daily), both of which are lacking in today's society. For most part, the Michael Thurmond Diet is healthy, especially as it reduces the consumption of processed and fatty foods.

However, the Michael Thurmond Diet can be expensive and time-consuming. In order to follow the diet, you are required to purchase the book "6-Day Body Makeover". Due to restrictive nature of the diet, you may have to do lengthy planning for each day.

The Michael Thurmond Diet is lacking in calcium as it excludes dairy products. This can be dangerous, especially for women who are prone to osteoporosis.

The Michael Thurmond Diet's claims of body types and corresponding diet and exercise needs have not been scientifically proven. Any weight loss from the Michael Thurmond Diet is more due to the increase in physical exercise and healthier eating habits.

Daily and Weekly Plans for the Michael Thurmond diet

Here is a sample daily plan for a male who fits "Body Type C":

Breakfast: 4 scrambled eggs and half a grapefruit.

Snack: 4 ounces of turkey.

Lunch: 4 ounces of chicken breast.

Snack: 4 ounces of fresh tuna.

Dinner: 4 ounces of chicken breast, 1 grapefruit.

Expected Weight Loss on the Michael Thurmond diet

The Michael Thurmond Diet claims it can help people lose 70-150 pounds in 6 weeks.

Michael Thurmond Diet Rating

Ease: 2/5 – Highly restrictive and requires the purchase of a book.

Balance: 3/5 – Reasonably balanced, although the lack of calcium is a concern.

Maintenance: 3/5 – Can be difficult to maintain due to restrictions.

Overall: 3/5