7 Day All You Can Eat Diet

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet is a short, seven-day diet designed to lose weight quickly.

Principle of the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet

The 7 Day All You Can Eat diet claims to detoxify your body within seven days. While its name might suggest you are allowed to eat anything, the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet is actually a diet where you are allowed to eat certain foods at specific days. For instance, on Mondays you would be allowed to eat as much fruit as you want, but you are only permitted to eat fruit.

After seven days are over, you are permitted to resume your normal diet.

What are you allowed to eat?

You are allowed to eat the following:

  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Skim milk;
  • Lean meat – such as lean red meat, fish or poultry.

What is forbidden?

Anything not prescribed in the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet is forbidden.

Pros and Cons of the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet can produce rapid results. It is a good diet if you need to lose weight in the short term.

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet however, is not a diet for long-term weight loss. It is a low-calorie diet with little nutritional value. Much of the weight loss comes from muscles and fluids, as well as fat. Any weight lost on 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet can be easily regained.

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet is not nutritionally balanced. As it is a short-term diet, the good news is that it should not cause any long-term health problems.

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet is also rather restrictive in what you can, and cannot eat. It can be difficult to stay on the diet.

Daily and Weekly Plans for the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet

This is a sample weekly plan for the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet.

Monday: As much fruit as you want, except bananas.

Tuesday: All the vegetables you want, plus baked potatoes with butter for dinner.

Wednesday: All the fruit and vegetables you want.

Thursday: 5 bananas, 5 glasses of skim milk.

Friday: 4 3oz beef, chicken or fish steaks with fresh vegetables.

Saturday: 4 3oz beef steaks with fresh vegetables.

Sunday: 4 3oz beef steaks with fresh vegetables and brown rice.

Expected Weight Loss on the 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet

The 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet claims you can lose between 10-17lbs after a week.

7 Day All You Can Eat Diet Rating

Ease: 5/5 – An easy diet to begin, with straight-forward meals and a

Balance: 1/5- Not a well-balanced diet.

Maintenance: 2/5 – Can leave you feeling constantly hungry and fatigued.

Overall: 1/5